Four More, Furthermore...
Four More
Oh yeah baby! Added four (4) more in the family. Affie section is getting crowded by each day. Does that mean I have been a good and diligent webmistress that I was able to invite 14 websites in 5 days or I need to exert more effort? Either way, I'm so thankful for those people who approved my affie invitation. Thank you so much!

Noticed the trademark I've put under every post? Huh? Huh? Did you see it? Huh?
Just another addition. :] I really am so addicted to Paris that I almost wanted to buy the whole state. Hahaha.
As a matter of fact, I bought another unnecessary notebook, no! UNNECESSARY PARIS NOTEBOOK when I was supposed to buy my college notebook.
But at least, I'm not wasting my time in cigarettes, liquors, and drugs.
Yes! I don't have any vices aside from Paris, Wallace Huo, Penny Lin, internet, trailer-making and graphic-designing.I'm clean!

That bad boy above? That's my baby.
I decided to put on my advertisement campaign.
Here is the banner ad I made for this site.It will also serve as my official website logo. Yahooo!
Although my lay-out may changed every now and then (so not sure), it will still be my official logo.
Labels: affiliates, updates
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