I was tagged by
Each tagged person must post ten things about themselves.
You have to choose and tag ten people.
Go to their blogs and tell them you tagged them.
No tag backs.
Have Fun.
1. I never finish any story unless it has a deadline. Haha.
2. I hate it when strangers look at me like in the mall, in school or wherever. What?! It's rude to stare, right? But I keep it all to myself. FrenchSha isn't a warfreak. Just so we're clear.
3. When we go shopping, dad buys me a
Cookies N' Cream ice cream then I come back for more. I think I always finish 3-4 cones each stroll. And never getting a brain freeze is beyond me.
4. The only drama I watched and finished is
100% Senorita. The others, never even started but I get to see the middle and the end. *wink
5. I don't know how to make emoticons. Stupid, right? Well, that's what I am. (Doesn't know how to make smileys but I'm not stupid.) And, why do they call this smiley, "
:(" a smiley?
6. Texting was never been a friend. The maximum message I send to my friends are five. What? Don't judge me. I just prefer calling.
7. The best works I've done from graphics to trailers to icons, etc are the
accidentally-added-this kind of stuffs. I unintentionally put something in there and it made the work awesome! Woohoo. I guess it's serendipity.
8. I don't think photoshop loves me. Hehe. I try hard to keep the relationship going but I can't just be the only one working for it.
Cooperate Adobe! Cooperate.
9. I've always wanted to act as a stupid, blonde girl and buffer everytime I hear a joke. But my brain never really worked that slow. tsk. tsk.
10. I championed twice (club shoots not counted) in practical shooting. It's not my favorite sport and I'm not really good at it.
I swear! I just joined it because my father wants me too. But I never expected I'd receive trophies. And the first contest I joined, I won by default. Hahaha. See?
micaela and

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