To a person's life, there is always a struggle, a downfall. And it is up to them on how they cope with it. How they will rise up to a nightmare that haunts reality. And this is but another transition of my life. Another big decision I have to make -
to or to not.
As like before,
Cyberlink had failed me. He had enough and decided to become idle. Decided not to work. And so I have to let go of it now. And that is one of the biggest decisions of my life. I have to end this. I really have to say goodbye. Therefore, FrenchSha's trailer-making career...
Who am I kidding?! hahaha. Yes. YOU! Of course I won't be saying the magic words here. I AM NOT QUITTING!! Even if
Fanfic Crew is faced with a little difficulties until now, we never quit - we refuse to. And neither am I. Because that's just what we are.
We are anything but a quitter. Yet, sad to say, some are.
I cleaned up my site and paid a rock n' roll visit to all of my affies (
Affiliates are now presented in alphabetical order) and I just found out that some left,
for good. Maybe this fanfic thing doesn't work for them. It doesn't make them happy anymore. Or they just don't have the time. Well, someone told me before,
"If you love something, time is never an issue." But as I said earlier, different people have different ways of confronting problems and we have to respect that.
So my dearest affies, we hope to see you around again. You will be missed. :")
But I have to clear some space since everything now has a deadline. I had to make some To-Do list before I forget submitting one important requirement. 'Cause I don't wanna wake up one morning realizing I'm gonna repeat college. We don't want that. Uh-Uh! *shakes head*. So just please bear with me. My final test is fast approaching and once I get rid of it, I'm all yours. So this means I won't be dropping any projects/requests but I just need more time. Yes. More time. And you must be wondering how I faced my problem with Cyberlink? Well, when I felt so down, I uplifted my spirits, hope and my head, literally and went to my friend to ask her if she can ask her other friend to lend me the Cyberlink installer. And thank goodness I was able to reinstall it. But my Pre-Finals is next week so I have to be away for a week again then we'll be back for business.
Sorry for the long post again. *bows*

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