"Others may call it Fate, but I believe it is Faith."
I've received the greatest news yesterday and that is because I just passed one of the most crucial semester in our program and I believe it was His deed. Oh yes. God is the reason why I am smiling today.
Days before the judgment day, the day we'll gonna get our grades for Accounting, I prayed. I prayed so hard. I made a deal with Him, I will go to church every Wednesday in exchange for a passing grade. I did it. I went to church that Wednesday and on Friday I took a 3-hour drive to our school to see my grade. When our Finals test paper was handed one-by-one, I didn't get my goal. From the looks of it, I should have failed. But I never lost faith. I believed that God will make a way. So I thought to myself, He never failed you, He wouldn't do that now. So when I handed my paper to my teacher she told me to wait before she will give me my final grade. So I waited, with hope in my heart.
Here is the life-changing moment that happened that day.
Teacher showed me my grade, 2.15. I must get a 2.0 to be enrolled in the next semester.
"What should we do? We can only allow a grade of 2.12 so we can round it off to 2.0." My teacher explained.
"It depends upon you, Ma'am." I let out those words as I was on the brink of crying. Then she asked me, "Are you going to shift to another course?" But I took my stand and said no.
"I will have a retake, Ma'am." She asked me why? "Because I want this. I want accounting."
It was the first time that I said that. That I wanted accounting. That I love Accounting. And so she asked me why I didn't give my best. I told her I did. I gave my best. I've put everything on the line. Everything.
"Try next time." Then she gave me that piece of paper. A thin, one line piece of paper with my grades printed on it. And at the end I saw that magic figure,
2.0 printed in bold. I almost hugged her but I didn't because many students were looking and we were not allowed to do that.
Teacher-Student relationship.
She made a consideration. And I will always be thankful to her for that. But there was someone I should thank more than my teacher and that is God. Lady Gaga was right,
it doesn't matter if you love him or capital HIM. Whatever we call Him, God, Allah, Buddha, etc. He is still that one and only Father who will provide us and grant the wishes of our hearts. Believe me. Believe his powers. Nothing is truly impossible when it comes to our Father.
And so forever I'll be thankful to you my Father. Who granted my prayer and against all odds, you never failed me. Not before, not now. Never. I love you Father and thank you very, very, very much.
But I tell you, if you ask from Him and you lose that faith on the way, nothing will happen. So trust in Him everything, whole-heartedly. And never doubt Him because He moves in mysterious way. However, do not let Him do all the working. Make Him your partner. Do things with Him, along Him, for His greater glory. Because only God can do wonders.
To God Be The Glory!
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