Wallace baby has this facebook account controlled by his fans. They're hosting a
Wallace Huo Birthday Blessing Project. Collect messages from his fans worldwide and print it out to hand it personally to him! GAAAAAAH. I want mine to be really, really stunning and striking like it's the very first one he'll see. Can you guys suggest anything? Please do help me.
So that friends I told you about in the previous post, well thanks to
Chazzie-umma I've been coping up. Actually, we had dinner with
that friend last Thursday. And we've met that person who said those things about us. That particular friend of hers. We all actually enjoyed the night and we laughed so hard but we don't know. Maybe behind those crazy laughs are other hurtful words she'll be saying behind our backs. But for now, I'll let
bygones be bygones.
And do visit my affies page. Added a few more friends. :)

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